All transportation from Coldfoot to the river and back
All food, coffee, tea
Boating equipment - inflatables, life jackets, safety equipment
Camping equipment - tents, kitchen gear, camp furniture
Guiding services
Travel to and from Coldfoot
Lodging in Coldfoot
Personal gear - see gear (hotlink) lists for more details on what you need to bring
Fishing license
Please note that weather conditions dictate whether we can fly to and from our put-in and take-out points. Flying in Alaska involves a certain level of risk, and that risk increases exponentially when weather conditions deteriorate. We contract with some of the most experienced bush pilots in Alaska, with proven track records of safe operation. If the pilots say we cannot fly, theirs is the final word on the matter. To counter potential trip disruptions due to weather, it is a good idea to build in some cushion around the days you are scheduled to fly out and fly back from the river. Having that flexibility makes life much less stressful if a big storm rolls in the morning that you are scheduled to fly into or out from the river. Bottom line: try to avoid scheduling that big job interview for the day after you are scheduled to arrive back in Coldfoot.
Once you’ve booked your float trip, don’t delay in getting the rest of your travel arrangements made, particularly in Coldfoot. Summer and fall are busy in Alaska, and lodging, car rentals, and other travel services book up well in advance. Coldfoot in particular has limited lodging options.
Travel between Fairbanks and Coldfoot is not included as part of the trip cost. Please plan on being in Coldfoot no later than the day before your scheduled trip departure.
As noted above, it’s a good idea to plan an extra day or two on the back end of your trip in case we are delayed getting back to civilization. We recommend planning to spend the night in Coldfoot the day you get off the river, and then make any travel arrangements for the following day. If weather and air/water taxi schedules cooperate, you may be able to find an open seat on a commercial flight back to Anchorage or Fairbanks in the evening the same day you get off the river. However, if we have to spend an extra night on the river or in the hub town, that cushion will come in handy.
Coldfoot, Alaska serves as our jumping off point to access the rivers of the Brooks Range and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Coldfoot is a tiny community located approximately 230 miles north of Fairbanks on the Dalton Highway. Nestled on the southern edge of the Brooks Range, it offers an air strip, gas station/motel (Coldfoot Camp), and beautiful surroundings.
Offers daily scheduled service between Fairbanks and Coldfoot through the summer months. You can find current information on scheduling and pricing on their website. Please schedule your flights to Coldfoot as early as possible to ensure you are able to arrive in time for your trip.
Coldfoot is one of the furthest north road-accessible communities in Alaska. Reachable in about 6 hours by vehicle from Fairbanks, driving up to Coldfoot offers a different kind of Alaskan adventure. Primarily utilized by big-rig trucks hauling materials to and from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope, the Dalton Highway offers an opportunity to see Alaska’s famous oil pipeline, drive across the only bridge over the Yukon River in Alaska, and see endless miles of Interior Alaska’s beautiful boreal forest. You can also practice your Formula1 driving skills dodging countless potholes.
Offers very basic lodging at Slate Creek Inn, as well as surprisingly good breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the Trucker’s Cafe. And you can get a drink at the Frozen Foot Saloon.
Wiseman is located about 10 miles north of Coldfoot, on the Dalton Highway. We can help arrange transport between Wiseman and Coldfoot if you decide to stay there.
Choose from three clean and cozy Alaska log cabin bed and breakfast rentals.
Offering 4 rooms in the main lodge building as well as 2 cabins for rent.
If you’re concerned a trip through the wilderness won’t fully scratch your camping itch, Marion Creek Campground is a well run BLM campground 5 miles north of Coldfoot. Pull through and tent sites are available, along with outhouses and water pumps. For the 2022 season, the overnight fee for a camp spot was $10.
We have strict weight requirements for the flights to and from the river. Remote Waters provides the boats, tents, and other heavy camping and river gear, leaving you responsible to bring only your clothing, fishing gear, and personal items. You should aim to have 50 pounds or less of luggage to bring with you on the river. This will help ensure that we stay within the float plane weight limits, and leave room for extras like alcohol or soft drinks.
You should feel free to use whatever type of luggage you prefer to transport your belongings to Alaska. Once you arrive in Coldfoot, we will do a gear inventory to make sure that everyone has what they need to stay safe and comfortable, and then transfer your equipment to dry bags for use on the river. Luggage, town clothes, and any other items that you do not plan to take on the river can be stored in Coldfoot. We’ve never had any problem with theft, but we don’t recommend leaving valuables behind. Remote Waters is not responsible for loss or damage to belongings left in Coldfoot.
Remote Waters is a small operation, and that provides us with the opportunity to tailor our trips to suit your group.
Please contact us with any questions you have about the trips, or just to talk fishing! Please email us or call (907) 717-6073.